I am a gatekeeper.
of the time it is unintentional, but by my very existence I have the potential
to usher others down the Narrow Road or push them away. I either make Jesus attractive to the world
or I don't. This doesn’t mean that everyone
will like me and want to come to my “Jesus party”. He warned us over 2000 years ago that the
world would hate us because it first hated Him.
But I never want my life to be a deterrent to someone’s spiritual
It may have been though. Tragically, I walked the broad path that leads to destruction even while
I bore His name. And I wonder.
How many hearts were affected by the darkness? How many were diverted from that gate? If only I could have a second chance, I would have so much to say!
I would tell them that the one I showed them
wasn't the real Jesus. That knowing the Truth and obeying the Truth
are not the same. But that Jesus’ love
is greater than a messed up life and He is able to bring beauty out of
ashes. And I would tell them about Grace
– a word that sounds so "churchy" yet I wonder if few church people truly grasp its meaning. Because sometimes when you are in church, you don’t see yourself like you really are. You start to see yourself as “cleaned up” and
“fixed” as if Jesus were a onetime decision.
In reality, He is an every day, every minute decision. And the walk gets more difficult yet
more glorious because He asks for more and more of us. More emptying, more sacrifice. But oh how sweet the life!
The road beyond
the gate is marked by rough terrain and it is not for the faint of heart. By
its very design, it is narrow and for the masses, impassable. But He is calling us onward. And He has given me the awesome privilege of
telling His story laced through the fabric of my own fallenness.
For you see sometimes the Light shines best
through the broken.
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