If I am honest, this is one of the least holy times of the
year for me.
There was a time though, as a child, when Christmas was
alive. Not just with the “big guy in the
red suit” but with a baby born in a manger.
The wonder of it all captivated me, a wonder that seems to have been lost
over the years.
Maybe the purity of that time was that there were no
responsibilities to fulfill, no grown up accountability's but only the simplicity
of childlike trust. But perhaps there are some pieces to this puzzle that I can rearrange even as an adult. I cannot physically return to that childhood but I can lay down the cumbersome things that keep me distracted from the heart of Christmas and focus once again upon the glorious mystery. Like that child from my past, I can sit at His feet with delight.
And as I reflect upon this, I am reminded that it has always been childlike faith that ushers in the Kingdom.
And as I reflect upon this, I am reminded that it has always been childlike faith that ushers in the Kingdom.
I love how Christmas calls to the child in us. Lovely post!